Member Protocols
Membership allows greater freedom in your range set up and use. Take a moment to understand the proper safety procedures for a safe and successful range day for you and your guests.
Member Protocols
You are responsible for knowing and adhering to all Pima Pistol Club guidelines. Range Safety Officers (RSOs) always have the final decision on range safety and use. Please ask an RSO about anything you are not sure of before acting.
After you come through the gate, make sure that all your firearms are unloaded, magazines removed, and in a case or bag. If any of your firearms are loaded, please stop at the firearms clearing station to the inside right of our gate and unload and case any firearms that may be loaded. If you are carrying a firearm, clear and case it at this time.
If you do not have a case, safely stow your cleared firearm in your vehicle and ask the on duty RSO for a loaner case while on the property.
Check In
Head to the Range Office where you will scan your Pima Pistol Club membership ID.
The Range Safety Officer will ask you what types of firearms you will be using on your visit and determine the proper range for your visit. Ranges are assigned on a first come/first served basis so the RSO will work with you to determine the best available range bay.
Conex Key
Member ranges have a variety of target stands and steel targets for use that are appropriate for each particular range. Most member ranges also have a storage conex with additional targets and items appropriate for the range bay. As a member, you are welcome to use these items. Once your range is assigned, you can ask the RSO for the key for that range's conex.
You will be given a key that must be returned at check out. All used items must be neatly returned to the conex at the end of the range session and the lock must be secured.
Moving to your Range
After the RSO clears you to head to your range, drive to the appropriate range and park your vehicle.
Each range has specific safe areas and features. It is your responsibility to understand the proper use of any assigned range bay, the proper use and set up, and the proper engagement positions. If you are unclear on any of this, ask the on duty RSO.
Range Bay
Set Up
Because of the unlimited amount of possible set ups on member range bays, it is best to determine how you will be using the bay on your visit and set up your target array with all safe angles and uses considered.
Move your cased gear to the appropriate range position and set up your target array.
Static Shooting on Member Range Bays
Some newer members are not familiar with shooting on a dynamic range bay and prefer to engage targets from a static position similar to a public range. This is perfectly fine to do on a member range at the PPC.
If this is the intended use for your range session, choose your target distance and set up a blue barrel or a table at your shooting position. Follow all public range safety standards. Chamber flags when checking targets are highly recommended.
Maintaining muzzle safety while walking downrange and back uprange with an unholstered firearm to check targets is problematic even for experienced members. For unholstered static shooting, set up a temporary bench position.
Gear Up
Many members use holsters on member ranges at the PPC. The proper preparation order after you set up your targets is as follows:
(1) Determine your safe loading area and set up your ammo and supplies.
(2) Position any holsters, magazine pouches, or holster rigs on your person.
(3) Load magazines and fill magazine pouches.
(4) Safely remove firearm from its case and properly holster.
A loaded firearm that is holstered in a proper safe condition is considered at a safe angle when moving around the range bay.
Proper holster use requires the understanding of various pistol types, the correct safe holstering status of your particular firearm, the understanding of various holster types and their proper uses, and an understanding of drawing the firearm and re-holstering safely.
If you are untrained regarding holsters or concealment drawing, please see a Range Safety Officer before using one on the range. SERPA holsters are common holster types available at many retailers which require specific safety standards. If you are new to holsters, ask for help.
180 Degree
Movement Rule
Unlike the public ranges, member ranges allow a greater flexibility of movement around the range bay. As a result, the "firing line" can move with the user throughout the range session. There is still the same strict muzzle discipline expected regardless of firing position.
The 180 degree rule expects that there is a parallel line to the primary impact berm that follows the user uprange and downrange. The muzzle of the firearm can never move at a greater angle than parallel to the primary impact berm, regardless of where a user is on the range floor.
Moving the muzzle at a greater angle than a parallel line is called "Breaking 180" and is subject to immediate ejection from the range and possible suspension or revocation of membership.
Steel Targets
Some member ranges have a variety of steel targets for member use. Regardless of the type of target, there are two strict rules regarding the use of steel targets at Pima Pistol Club.
(1) Pistols or Pistol calibers only.
(2) The minimum distance to any steel target is 10 yards.
Safety for Member Guests
If you are sharing the same range bay with other members or your guests, safety is expected. Guests are often not familiar with proper dynamic range protocols. As a PPC member, you are expected to monitor safety at the highest levels.
PPC Range Safety Officers are there to help you determine the best approach if you need guidance.
Clean Up
When you have completed your range session: clear all firearms, remove all magazines, re-case all firearms and supplies and return them to your vehicle. Pick up any brass in your shooting area where safe and take it with you or put it in a blue brass collection barrel. Clear everything from your shooting area. Dispose of paper targets and remove unusable cardboard targets from stands and place them in a range bay trash bin.
Check Out
Check out at the RSO Range Office by scanning your membership ID. Guests should return their yellow non-member range ID in exchange for the ID they provided at check in. Return any cases, rests, or spotting scopes you may have borrowed at check in.
Leaving the Range
As you leave the range, if you regularly carry a loaded firearm, stop at the red station inside the range gate, load and holster your firearm, return to your vehicle, and carry on with your day.