Ranges & Rules
This page contains a variety of information on the proper use and safety for our variety of PPC range bays.

The PPC features 15 ranges over 15 acres. This map is an overview of the entire range property. Range 1 is the 15 yard public Pistol Range - Range 2 (the 100/Rifle Range) is the public bench rest Rifle Range - Ranges 6 & 8 are Competition only Training Ranges - Ranges 3, 4, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 9, 10, 11, & 12 are all member only ranges.
Range Names & Descriptions
When Pima Pistol Club Members check in, the first step is to let the on duty RSO know what you would like to do on your range session for the day.
This section contains the common names for our range bays and what you can do on each one. We now have 15 bays over 15 acres.
Familiarize yourself with each range and its use.
Reference the aerial range map to determine bay locations.

Range 1
The Pistol Range / The Coop
Range 1 serves as our public pistol range.
You may think the nickname is a reference to famed USMC firearms instructor Colonel Jeff Cooper, but that would be incorrect. In the 1960s, this area served to house a chicken coup which is where we take the name.
Target Distances: Minimum 10 yards / Max 15 yards
Restrictions: No holsters or drawing, no rapid fire, no target transitions, no steel targets, no pistol caliber carbines, no rifles, no rifle caliber pistols, no calibers over .44 magnum, no shotguns

Range 2
The 100 / the Presidio / Fort Huachuca
Range 2 NORTH serves as our public rifle range.
Range 2 draws memories of the Southwestern Outpost that the city of Tucson was later built around...the Presidio. In 1920, when Pima Pistol Club was incorporated, the Buffalo Soldier 10th Cavalry was stationed a bit further south of Tucson at Fort Huachuca near the Mexican border.
Either way...Range 2 is best suited for hitting small targets from longer distances.
Target Distances:
Minimum 25 yards off the bench or prone...
Minimum 50 yards while standing.
Max Distance is 100 yards
Restrictions: Pistols, no rapid fire, no wide target transitions, no steel targets, no pistols, no pistol grip only shotguns or rifles, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers, no tactical slings (slings for bracing only)

Ranges 3 & 4
The Tactical Twin 50s
Ranges 3 & 4 are mirrored 50 yard MEMBER ONLY ranges that allow for a variety of training scenarios. Each range features a plate rack, wall and barricade sections, and two conexes full of everything you could want for a great range training session.
And no...despite the name, you can not shoot
50 cal ammo or a Twin 50....we wish!
Target Distances:
Minimum 20 yards when shooting pistol from the bench / 10 yards from any steel / Max 50 yards
Restrictions: No rifle calibers on PPC steel targets, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers

Range 5
The Corral
Ranges on 5 are MEMBER ONLY multi purpose ranges that vary depending on the schedule.
On most days, the Corral serves as four independent range bays. It also serves as a single 200 yard long distance range as detailed below.

Range 5
The 200
The 200 on 5 is a long distance range and the longest range at the PPC. It is open most often during hunting season. This range is open at the discretion of the on-duty RSO and may be used for up to 2-hours per visit.
Please ask about availability, no pistol grip only shotguns, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.

Range 5A (Alpha)
The Marshal
5 Alpha is a 25 yard MEMBER ONLY dynamic pistol range with a fixed shade structure at the back of the range bay.
"The Marshal" nickname sounds like it may be a tribute to the Frontier Marshal and Pima County Sheriff Wyatt Earp...the famed lawman known for the gunfight at the OK Corral. 5 Alpha is actually named in fond memory of PPC member, Board member, and regular competitor -
U.S. Marshal Ray Kondo.
Restrictions: Pistol Calibers Only, No Steel Targets, No shooting from under shade structure, no shooting into the HESCO barriers, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.

Ranges 5B & 5C
The Bronco & Colt Ranges
5B (25 yards) & 5C (20 yards) are MEMBER ONLY dynamic pistol ranges with fixed shades structures at the back of each range bay.
The Bronco is nicknamed for the Ford Bronco stored at the back of the range bay that is used for competition shooting. The Colt range may have less capacity but is just as powerful and stands in tribute to Sam Colt's 1911 which was introduced just a few years before the PPC.
Restrictions: Pistol Calibers Only, No Steel Targets, No shooting from under shade structures, no shooting into the HESCO barriers, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.
Range 5D (Delta)
The Rock
5D is a MEMBER ONLY 25 yard dynamic pistol and rifle range which allows for movement and transitions.
The Rock is carved into the base of the Santa Catalina mountains. When Pima Pistol Club incorporated in 1920, Alcatraz was a US Military Prison famously nicknamed "the Rock".
At the PPC Rock, you are only stuck here until you run out of ammo!
Restrictions: No fully automatic firearms, No pistol grip only shotguns, No binary triggers.

Ranges 6 & 8
Competition Training Ranges
Ranges 6 & 8 are MEMBER ONLY ranges that are reserved for action sport competition training. If you are a member of a National Shooting Sport organization and regularly compete, speak with someone in
PPC administration for an endorsement for Ranges 6 & 8.

Range 9
The Pit / the Double Nickel
Range 9 is a MEMBER ONLY 55 yard dynamic pistol and rifle range which allows for movement and wide transitions.
This range bay has been known as the Pit at the PPC as long as anyone can remember. It is often used for SASS Cowboy shooting and various steel matches.
The range bay is dedicated to all our members of Law Enforcement. The meaningful phrase the "Thin Blue Line" was first coined by the New York Police Department just after Pima Pistol Club was born in
Tucson in 1920.
Restrictions: No fully automatic firearms, No binary triggers.

Range 10
The Dillinger
Range 10 is a 15 yard MEMBER ONLY dynamic pistol range around the bend from the public pistol range. This range is short and sweet.
15 years after Pima Pistol Club Incorporated, Famous Gangster John Dillinger was captured by the Tucson Police at the Hotel Congress. We thought it was a fitting name for this range because your back is always exposed.
Restrictions: Pistol Calibers Only, No Steel Targets, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.

Range 11
The Dutchman
Range 11 is a 20 yard MEMBER ONLY dynamic pistol range.
The Dutchman may have lost his mine east of Phoenix, AZ...but we found it here at the PPC. Follow the mine shaft down to one of
Pima Pistol Club's newest hidden gems.
Restrictions: Pistol Calibers Only, No Steel Targets, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.

Range 12
The Pass
Range 12 is a 17 yard MEMBER ONLY dynamic pistol range with a fixed shade structure at the back of the range bay.
Pima Pistol Club's newest range is hidden at the pass west of Range 9 (the Pit). Locals thought it reminded them of Gate's Pass in the Saguaro National Forest and CB Brown who visited Pima Pistol Club in the 1920s, but PPC Member Dave Burton insists it should be named after the Texas Canyon Pass in Cochise Canyon AZ near Benson because it reminds him of his home state of Texas.
Restrictions: Pistol Calibers Only, No Steel Targets, No shooting from under shade structure, no fully automatic firearms, no binary triggers.