Rimfire Challenge
The Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association Match introduces participants to the fun and excitement of competitive shooting in a safe, low-pressure, family-friendly format. All levels of shooters—new, novice and experienced—are welcome to compete. Each will find a challenge appropriate to his or her level of marksmanship.
The Pima PIstol Club Rimfire Challenge Match course of fire consists of 5 stages with 5 to 7 steel plates including a designated stop plate. The Competitor shoots the course of fire 5 times starting at the low ready position. The worst string will be thrown out and the total of the remaining times will be the competitors' score. Disciplines include pistol and rifle, iron and optic sights, .22 rimfire ammunition only. Five magazines are required. Firearms remain cased (no holsters allowed) until instructed to "make ready" by the stage RSO.
Rimfire Challenge Website: https://www.rimfirechallenge.org/
PPC Match Registration: www.practiscore.com
Match Fee: $20
Match Director: Bruce Rischar
brucerischar@gmail.com, 520-400-3576
Set Up & Tear Down
Action pistol matches require labor intensive set up and tear down. Set up is often done on the day prior to the event. Please contact the match director if you are able to help with set up and please help break stages down after the match. By working together, we can maintain safe, fun, and manageable matches for our members and guests to enjoy.
The Rimfire Challenge was developed with safety in mind. Shooters are required to compete using a rifle and handgun from any manufacturer in .22 Long Rifle caliber. The targets are steel plates that are set in a course of fire that is no less than 5 plates and no more than 7 plates. The course of fire is designed to be completed by even the most inexperienced shooter using one 10-round magazine without the need to reload “on the clock.” Steel plates were chosen as the targets because they are easy to buy or build, and because this type of target provides the shooter with immediate visual and audio feedback.
A unique feature of the NSSF Rimfire Challenge is that experienced participants are encouraged to help new and novice shooters move up to the next level of proficiency by sharing their tips and shooting knowledge. Matches emphasize the friendly, supportive aspects of target shooting and competition. This low-key competition should remind participants that the shooting sports are lifetime activities that are fun and affordable for men, women and youth. The initial investment required to participate in the NSSF Rimfire Challenge is low compared to other shooting sports. Since .22-caliber ammunition is very affordable, a whole family can shoot without breaking the bank. All NSSF Rimfire Challenge competitions must include stages for both handgun and rifle chambered for .22 Long Rifle only. Competition is open to all safe and responsible individuals who can legally own or handle a firearm in the jurisdiction of the competition.
What You Need
Eye and ear protection is required for all participants and spectators.
A 22 LR handgun, either a pistol or a revolver that can hold a minimum of 6 rounds.
5 magazines are recommended. Each stage is fired 5 times.
A 22LR rifle that holds 10 rounds
Summer hours:
7:30 am – Registration
8:00 am – Shooting starts
Winter hours:
8:30 am – Registration
9:00 am – Shooting starts