Welcome to the PPC!
Pima Pistol Club is an outdoor pistol & rifle complex located in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains just northwest of Tucson, Arizona. We feature both public and private ranges for visitors and members.
We are one of the oldest continuously operating ranges in the United States. For over 100 years, we have served the community, match competitors, law enforcement and the military from our range facilities.
Organized in 1916 and incorporated in 1920, our original range was near Starr Pass and it stood there for decades. In 1967, Pima Pistol Club ventured out to stand alone near the border of what is now Oro Valley & Catalina - just northwest of the city.
PPC members include everyone from casual enthusiasts, to first responders, to Olympians and National & World Champions.
Our mission today carries with it the ideals of our past - to serve our community, to preserve tradition, and to remain connected to the legacy of Arizona, America, and the American Southwest.
Please take note of important upcoming announcements and events.
Pima Pistol Club
PPC members and our many guests have been asking for items to mark their visit to one of the most historic range facilities in Arizona and the country!
We already have caps in a variety of colors and they are selling fast!
If you are interested in getting your hands on any of this, inquire at the range to see what we have in stock.

Please Slow Down while Driving on Range Property
Please slow down when driving on PPC range property, Bowman Rd., and Lago del Oro Parkway.
The speed limit inside the range is 10 mph and we have had reduced incidents with adhering to this speed limit. There are many blind corners with people and small vehicles moving around the property.
Please help our RSOs by adhering to the slower speeds on property and save the speed for your splits!
Please also maintain moderate speeds on Bowman and Lago del Oro. It goes a long way with our neighbors.
Watch Your Speed!

Please do not exceed 25mph
on the paved section of Bowman Rd., 15mph on the dirt section, and 10mph on club property. Slow down for horses and pedestrians and give plenty of room.
NRA Member Club

Pima Pistol Club is an NRA Member Club. Our facilities have been supported by grants from the NRA Foundation as well as the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
Get in the Game!

Pima Pistol Club hosts competitive matches for a variety of equipment
types, skill levels, and styles.
Please inquire about getting started in
competitive shooting!
Pima Pistol Club is more than just a range - it is a community.
From personal skill improvement, to casual plinking, to high level competitions...
someone at the PPC is here for you and ready to help.

P.O. Box 8704
Catalina, AZ 85739
Office: 520-825-4440
PPC Administration: